There is this couple and their baby (Lilly, Leon, and Orson). After moving to another country, they found themselves with a LOT of leftover boxes. Instead of reselling or trashing them, they recycled. In a manner of speaking. Set building! They used their amassed collection of cardboard to build replicas of scenes from movies. This →
Do you remember every wedding in the ’80s? How all the decorations were most likely wedding bells made of honeycomb paper. But I guess that’s not entirely fair. People have been decorating with honeycombed paper since then. If you’re not sure what that is exactly, do a google search real quick, I can wait. Okaaay… got →
Creativity with a social conscience. The famed historic Castro district of San Francisco is one of our nation’s →
I wasn’t sure what exactly this was that I was looking at. At first I thought it was →
Artist George Radebaugh uses cast off CDs, along with recycled pipe for structure, to create these amazingly attractive →
This is YARN Bombing! Yarn bombing is also known as guerrilla knitting, or knit graffiti, though it’s the least graffiti-like of all graffiti I’ve yet seen. If anything it’s inviting, warm and fuzzy even. (Ha, ha). Check out these guys ‘Buttmunches’ knit (above) by Lorna and Jill Watt. I… I… just don’t have the words of →
It’s Bob Marley. Made from Bob Marley CDs. Ha! Love it! Artists Mirco Pagano and Moreno De Turco →
I used to do this in the margins of all my school worksheets, and my teachers would get annoyed at me for it. I moved on to doodling on restaurant placemats. I had the right idea; I just chose the wrong medium! A bit jealous. But also so excited to see something like a cup, something →