I’ve discovered that some say the course of your career can be traced back to the month of your birth. I, of course, don’t put much stock in this line of thinking, there are bound to be a few months where anything is the most likely to happen, for (completely made up) example… did you know that people born in March are given more wet willies than people born in April? At most it’s an amusing diversion that I’m going to share with you.
I was born in early August. According to research done last year, being born in August makes me much more likely to have it rough in school (which I suppose is true). August kids do poorly at school because we start school a whole year later than our September born friends. We’re already at a disadvantage!
September babies are good at school, from what we gather from above, but apparently all those born in the autumn are longer lived and in better health than those born in the springtime.
October kids live longest.
November breeds serial killers. By seventeen to nine. Charles Milles Manson, Ted Bundy, Nannie Doss, David Parker Ray, and so on… Should I be concerned for my little bambino?
December babies, like ‘all’ winter babies, are more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder. Less asthma, their mothers aren’t as highly educated, and a higher number become (of all things) dentists.
Teen mothers have quite a lot of babies in January, more than any other month. As a winter baby, they are at a very slight risk of schizophrenia and food allergies.
Artists are born in February, also traffic cops. Why these two are connected, I haven’t a clue!
March is another month for artists, musicians especially. Just like the other spring babies they’re at greater risk for asthma.
People who were born between April and July live about 101 days under the national life expectancy. Probably because April babies have trouble with eating disorders, become alcoholics or have Parkinson ’s disease.
May babies seem to be fine except for the misfortune of having been born in spring, which is supposed to mean they’ll have a higher likelihood of anorexia and suicide. Though their risk of most diseases is slightly lower than in other months.
You’re more likely to win a Nobel Peace Prize if you’re born in June, and it seems you climb the corporate ladder very nicely, but they’re in for higher risks of diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
July means you’re a summer kid, and summer kids are less dour than winter babies, but they’re going to have issues with their eyesight.